Nose breathing is an essential condition to be successful with iNAP, as the patient mouth is sealed by the oral interface, the tongue and soft palate when using it.
Yet, many believe they are mouth breathers and don't think they will be able to use iNAP. The truth is most patients who are usually mouth breathers can become nose breathers again in a few weeks.
We have developed companion products to help patients become nose breathers. These products will be introduced in 2023 to the US market. The first one that has just been launched is called Zeebud. It is a very comfortable nasal dilator. Please visit our dedicated page here.
Stay tuned for more products to be announced!
For patients who want to learn more about nose breathing, we highly recommend reading the following book:
"Breath: the new science of a lost art" by James Nestor.
The author describes how he became a nose breather after being a mouth breather all his life, and all the health benefit that came with this new breathing technique.
Disclaimer: Somnics health has no financial interest nor business connection with the author, publisher, distributor of this book.